

Product Details

Bust Firming 丰胸紧实保养精油

Ingredients 含量 : Lemon, Geranium, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Jojoba Oil, Rosehip Oil, MCT Coconut Oil

Product Category : Body Aromatherapy oil

功效 Functions :
- 疏通胸部经络和淋巴
- 促进淋巴排毒, 新陈代谢
- 丰胸, 紧实和坚挺胸部
- 预防乳腺增生, 肌瘤, 乳癌问题。
- Enhances lymphatic drainage and detoxification process to prevent hyperplasia, fibroids and breast cancer.
- Helps breast firming and enhancement.

Ingredients 含量:

 (1) 100% Pure Essential Oils 纯天然精油:  Ginger , Eucalyptus 尤加利, Lemon 柠檬, Geranium 天竺葵

(2) 100% Virgin Carrier Oils 纯天基楚油:  Jojoba Oil 荷荷巴, Sweet Almond 杏仁, MCT Oils 三甘油脂    

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